Imagining Greatness


Sunday - 9:15 AM Sunday School, 10:30 AM Worship Service

by: Denise Robinson



Take 10 @ 10:00 (well, at little earlier this morning as I have a 9:00 meeting):
Our devotional series based on the book Climbing with Abraham by David Ramos continues. Last week, we looked at Abraham arranged for a trusted servant to find a wife for his son, Isaac, so that his legacy, as promised by God, would continue. God's faithfulness to Abraham now carries on through Isaac, the next great patriarch of the Jewish people.  


Week 28: Read Genesis 24:62-67 (Imagining Greatness)

"Finally, all of the elements for the line of Abraham to continue are in place. Isaac spots an approaching party just as Rebekah spots him in the field. The servant confirms that this is the man she has left everything behind to meet. Once again the servant shares his story, this time with Isaac, to bring him up to date about everything that has occurred. As you could imagine, he is probably elated (and a little nervous). His father acted for his best interest and now, here was this beautiful young woman to be his mate for life, just as Sarah had been for Abraham. The two are married. So as Isaac's story begins, Abraham's comes to a close.

You can't help but read this passage and feel a mounting sense of relief. They did it! God did it! God kept all of God's promises despite everything in the world saying it couldn't happen - despite delay and hardship, doubt and conflict, hopelessness and failure. This scene is what God had in mind from the very first day he spoke to Abraham. This is what God wanted Abraham to imagine, to keep him going and hoping when things got tough.

Some people believe that Abraham didn't live to see this moment, that he passed away before his servant returned from his journey. We can't know for certain, but Ramos writes, that he believes Abraham did live to see it and that Abraham celebrated the marriage with his son and new daughter-in-law. That he praised God that night and laughed at all the challenges they overcame to reach that point. 

God also saw God's promises come true, just as God knew what was to come. Imagining their reality can help us have faith like Abraham, like his servant, and like Isaac. Impossible futures for us are only a matter of time to God. Our hopes are God's plans." 
Takeaway from today's lesson: Imagining God's provision strengthens our faith.

Prayer: God, thank you that you have an incredible future for me. Build in my mind the image of hope you want me to have. Amen.
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Take 10 @ 10:00 (well, at little earlier this morning as I have a 9:00 meeting):
Our devotional series based on the book Climbing with Abraham by David Ramos continues. Last week, we looked at Abraham arranged for a trusted servant to find a wife for his son, Isaac, so that his legacy, as promised by God, would continue. God's faithfulness to Abraham now carries on through Isaac, the next great patriarch of the Jewish people.  


Week 28: Read Genesis 24:62-67 (Imagining Greatness)

"Finally, all of the elements for the line of Abraham to continue are in place. Isaac spots an approaching party just as Rebekah spots him in the field. The servant confirms that this is the man she has left everything behind to meet. Once again the servant shares his story, this time with Isaac, to bring him up to date about everything that has occurred. As you could imagine, he is probably elated (and a little nervous). His father acted for his best interest and now, here was this beautiful young woman to be his mate for life, just as Sarah had been for Abraham. The two are married. So as Isaac's story begins, Abraham's comes to a close.

You can't help but read this passage and feel a mounting sense of relief. They did it! God did it! God kept all of God's promises despite everything in the world saying it couldn't happen - despite delay and hardship, doubt and conflict, hopelessness and failure. This scene is what God had in mind from the very first day he spoke to Abraham. This is what God wanted Abraham to imagine, to keep him going and hoping when things got tough.

Some people believe that Abraham didn't live to see this moment, that he passed away before his servant returned from his journey. We can't know for certain, but Ramos writes, that he believes Abraham did live to see it and that Abraham celebrated the marriage with his son and new daughter-in-law. That he praised God that night and laughed at all the challenges they overcame to reach that point. 

God also saw God's promises come true, just as God knew what was to come. Imagining their reality can help us have faith like Abraham, like his servant, and like Isaac. Impossible futures for us are only a matter of time to God. Our hopes are God's plans." 
Takeaway from today's lesson: Imagining God's provision strengthens our faith.

Prayer: God, thank you that you have an incredible future for me. Build in my mind the image of hope you want me to have. Amen.
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