

Sunday - 9:15 AM Sunday School, 10:30 AM Worship Service

Missions · Sharing Christ's Love One Person at a Time

We believe that mission work begins in our own community. IUMC has two "blessing" boxes located near our south door (close to Washington Street). The "Big Red Box" is stocked by members of the Irvington community. Give as you can and take as you need. The second, smaller box, is stocked by IUMC twice weekly with items such as hygiene kits, gloves, hats, socks, soup, etc. (depending on weather and availability). 

We offer a free chair exercise class and meal on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 pm. Come to our east door (circular drive) by 5:15-5:30 and someone will be there to let you in and direct you to our Fellowship Hall. If you don't want to exercise, that's ok. Have a seat and listen to the music. Dinner is served at 6:00 pm. All are welcome! 

Need an additional day of food, a cleaning change of clothing, or a coat? While we can help you find a full food pantry in our area, IUMC has a small "food and clothing closet" to help with short-term needs. The church office is open Mondays through Thursdays between the hours of 9 am and 1 pm. Ring the bell at either the east door and someone will come and check on what assistance we may be able to offer. Have a prayer need? Let us know and we will pray for you!

Irvington United Methodist Church is fully committed to seeing the Gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ shared in our community and worldwide. We are part of a worldwide connectional church known as "The United Methodist Church," with churches in almost every country. If you would like more information about missionary work or ministry, please contact us or contact the Indiana Conference of The United Methodist Church.