2025-2026 Class info


Sunday - 9:15 AM Sunday School, 10:30 AM Worship Service


IUMC Preschool Classes

 (Click To See The Birth Date Eligibility Guide for the 2025-2026)

Teddy Bear & Koala Classes - (7/1/2023—3/31/2024)

These classes stress early academic development through the use of play, music, stories and art, as well as engagement in small and large motor activities. Children explore new social concepts while indulging in their desires to dump, fill, touch, and learn through exposure to a variety of materials and activities designed specifically for them.

Teddy Bear Class (M/W 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.)

Annual tuition is $1440 payable in 9 equal monthly installments of $160.

Koala Class (T/TH 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 pm)

Annual tuition is $1440 payable in 9 equal monthly installments of $160.

Butterfly & Penguin Classes- (7/19/2022-7/31/2023)

These classes introduce many children to their first experience in group play. Socialization skills include cooperation, taking turns and sharing. One on one and group activities develop the children's interest in the areas of art, God's world, math, language, music and small and large motor skills. Occasional field trips are planned during the year to provide a balance of cultural experiences.

Butterfly (M/T/W/TH 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.)

Annual tuition is $2880 payable in 9 equal monthly installments of $320.

Penguin (T/TH 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)

Annual tuition is $1440 payable in 9 equal monthly installments of $160.

Dolphin, Lion & Turtle Classes - (7/18/2021-7/31/2022)

At this age level the children are guided from parallel play into more appropriate social interaction with peers. Thematic units allow children to explore God's world through a variety of topics that will stimulate their curiosity and nurture their academic, spiritual, social and emotional growth. They will engage in play that will offer multi-sensory experiences to enhance the learning process. Activities focus on small and large motor skills, music, science, art, early math and reading concepts. Occasional field trips are scheduled to enrich the effectiveness of certain thematic units.

Dolphin (M/W 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.)

Annual tuition is $1440 payable in 9 equal monthly installments of $160.

Lion (T/TH 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)

Annual tuition is $1440 payable in 9 equal monthly installments of $160

Turtle (M/T/W/TH 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.)

Annual tuition is $2880 payable in 9 equal monthly installments of $320.

Tiger And Owl Classes- Pre-K-- (6/1/2020-7/31/2021)

Tiger (M/T/W/TH 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 pm)

Meeting FOUR MORNINGS each week, this class gives students the opportunity to better prepare for a consistent 5-day kindergarten schedule the following year. This is a year filled with a higher focus on many of the pre-academic skills needed for a successful transition to kindergarten and the early primary years. In addition to the continuing emphasis on spiritual, social and emotional growth and group skills, a greater concentration is placed on the nurturing of individual skills in math, reading readiness, science, music and art. Occasional field trips are scheduled to enhance the effectiveness of certain thematic units.

Annual tuition is $2880 payable in 9 equal monthly installments of $320.

Transitional Kindergarten: It is not uncommon for parents of children with late spring and summer birthdates to hesitate to enroll them in Kindergarten "on time", fearing they may not be ready either academically, socially, or both. Our Tiger and Owl Pre-K classes welcome children who may fall into this category. We present them with valuable educational and social experiences to develop the maturity and skills needed for a successful transition to Kindergarten. 

 Owl Class - FULL DAY Pre-K (M/T/W/TH 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.)

This class meets 4 FULL-DAYS a week.  The same concepts and skills are addressed as in the Tiger class listed above, but the full-day option is available for the child who is ready for more. The longer day affords the expansion of lessons and activities, and is a good bridge for those children attending full-day kindergarten the following year. Full-day students enjoy lunch and recess at midday, followed by an afternoon of continued exploration and adventure in the classroom.

Annual tuition, for full day, is $4905 payable in nine equal monthly installments of $545.

Reminder: The Owl class attends a minimum of four field trips during the school year. A Field Trip fee is assessed and is due at the start of the year to cover the cost of each of these learning adventures. See registration for more information. This fee is due by the start of the school year in September.