Time and Timelessness


Sunday - 9:15 AM Sunday School, 10:30 AM Worship Service

by: Denise Robinson



This has been a catch-up week for me, and I have to admit I haven't been very good about posting. I think we all have days when we just seem to not have enough time . . . and yet we know we have the same amount of time every day. So, this morning I began my devotional time with this prayer on time and timelessness:

O God of timelessness and time, 
I thank you for my time 
and for those things that are yet possible
and precious in it:
for my breathing . . . my life.
Thank you for the honesty which marks friends
and makes laughter;
for the sudden gusts of grace which rise unexpectedly,
for music and silence,
for everything that moves me to tears,
to touching, to dreams, to prayers;
for my longing . . . my life.

Thank you for work, which engages me and stretches me;
for justice, for liberty, for healing, for break broken,
for good news, and for peace;
for my calling . . . my life.
Thank you for the sharp senses 
of the timeless stirring in my time,
and your praise in my heart;
for the undeniable awareness,
that the need of you is the truth of me,
and your presence with me is the truth of you,
which sets me free
for others, for joy, and for you;
for your grace . . . my life . . . forever.

(Ted Loder, Guerillas of Grace)
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This has been a catch-up week for me, and I have to admit I haven't been very good about posting. I think we all have days when we just seem to not have enough time . . . and yet we know we have the same amount of time every day. So, this morning I began my devotional time with this prayer on time and timelessness:

O God of timelessness and time, 
I thank you for my time 
and for those things that are yet possible
and precious in it:
for my breathing . . . my life.
Thank you for the honesty which marks friends
and makes laughter;
for the sudden gusts of grace which rise unexpectedly,
for music and silence,
for everything that moves me to tears,
to touching, to dreams, to prayers;
for my longing . . . my life.

Thank you for work, which engages me and stretches me;
for justice, for liberty, for healing, for break broken,
for good news, and for peace;
for my calling . . . my life.
Thank you for the sharp senses 
of the timeless stirring in my time,
and your praise in my heart;
for the undeniable awareness,
that the need of you is the truth of me,
and your presence with me is the truth of you,
which sets me free
for others, for joy, and for you;
for your grace . . . my life . . . forever.

(Ted Loder, Guerillas of Grace)
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