Created to Learn!


Sunday - 9:15 AM Sunday School, 10:30 AM Worship Service

by: Denise Robinson



Do you ever find yourself WHY you do certain things? This morning, at 8:00 am, I have to "Zoom" with my professor for an hour or so of Greek conversation. It's mornings like this when I seriously wonder about myself. I don't have to take Greek, I don't have to working towards yet another degree. Why???

I know some people enjoy school and learning things from books, while others prefer working with their hands and learning from doing. Whatever your preference, the key is that Scripture reminds us that we were created with the desire to learn and to grow. The Gospel of Luke says that even Jesus grew, became strong, and increased in wisdom. Proverbs encourages to "get" wisdom and understanding. Solomon prayed for an understanding heart, the ability to know the difference between right and wrong, and the wisdom to govern his people well. 

Our curiosity, intellect, restlessness, desire for change and growth are all part of God's gift to us in creation. Feeling stagnant, stuck in life? God's solution: learn something!
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Do you ever find yourself WHY you do certain things? This morning, at 8:00 am, I have to "Zoom" with my professor for an hour or so of Greek conversation. It's mornings like this when I seriously wonder about myself. I don't have to take Greek, I don't have to working towards yet another degree. Why???

I know some people enjoy school and learning things from books, while others prefer working with their hands and learning from doing. Whatever your preference, the key is that Scripture reminds us that we were created with the desire to learn and to grow. The Gospel of Luke says that even Jesus grew, became strong, and increased in wisdom. Proverbs encourages to "get" wisdom and understanding. Solomon prayed for an understanding heart, the ability to know the difference between right and wrong, and the wisdom to govern his people well. 

Our curiosity, intellect, restlessness, desire for change and growth are all part of God's gift to us in creation. Feeling stagnant, stuck in life? God's solution: learn something!
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